Corpora and other material
The Institute has comprehensive collections compiled over the course of more than 100 years. They include corpora of names, words, and spoken and written language.
The Institute has comprehensive collections compiled over the course of more than 100 years. They include corpora of names, words, and spoken and written language.
The linguistic corpora are the Institute’s way of passing on our linguistic heritage to future generations.
Kotus has published parts of its language resources on electronic platforms.
The old colloquial dialects were considered soon to be lost, so the linguists felt the need to record them.
The Names Archive (Nimiarkisto) contains a corpus of material on Finnish and Saami names, serving as a tool for research and name planning.
Lexical corpora on Finnish dialects, Old literary Finnish, Karelian and Finish slang.
Written Finnish ranging from 16th to 21st century